When eTiQa launched the new branding with it's value proposition to "humanizing insurance", some people may have questioned what it means. It is really about going back to the basics and the core foundation of the insurance business, which is people. It is the reason we exist and it is also the reason why we must progress to strengthen this core value.
Yes, the insurance industry has been under attack for many years and has carried with it a "perceived" bad connotation to both the industry and it's people. Little do we realize that this industry has been around for a very long time. It has survived the test of time because for one, insurance companies are very conservative. But that alone is not enough. Insurance companies must honor the contracts with it's policy holders. If this does not hold true, how long would an entity be able to continue as a going concern. Yes, maybe there is very little publicity when claim are paid out. But there are reasons behind this. As you may imagine, not many families want to announce such a sensitive situation. Imagine the devastation ones family goes through. Even with a claim that comes in to elevate the situation of the family, having it publicized would be the last thing on their mind. Wouldn't it be the same for you?
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